强思企管自2000年成立以来,始终关注组织的运营管理及其*重要的资源——人力资源的可持续发展! Since its inception in 2000, Chance has been persisted and continues to persist in supporting operational management improvement for its clients, and sustainable development of their most valuable resource – Human resources.
经过十五年的积淀,我们开发并培养了一批专业讲师和顾问团队,可以提供从质量、EHS、生产运作、采购和供应链、通用管理技能到管理体系标准等众多领域的培训和咨询服务,并形成了独具特色的顾问式培训及项目咨询服务体系,已经成为华东地区*具品牌知名度和竞争实力的培训和顾问机构之一! Chance has developed a talented & dedicated consulting team in the last decade that can provide value-added and top standard training and consultancy in the fields of quality, EHS, operations, purchase & supply chain, general management skills and management system standards. Chance has differentiated itself by its special project service model and customized training programs. With these core competencies – talents and service model - Chance has become one of the most recognized and competitive brands in Eastern Regions of China.
公司总部位于上海,并在苏州和嘉兴等地设有分支机构,服务企业客户近五千家,其中世界500强在华企业、国有大中型企业及优秀民营企业千余家。 Based in Shanghai, Chance has established branches in major cities in the area, such as Suzhou and Jiaxing. It has provided service to more than 5,000 clients since it was founded, among which more than 1,000 are Fortune 500, large state-owned and premium private enterprises.
作为一家专业从事企业管理培训和咨询服务的顾问机构,我们希望能够通过所拥有的众多行业*佳实践案例和信息,致力于用系统的方法帮助所有注重高品质服务的企业提升质量和业绩、降低经营风险和保护声誉,并且使企业的管理更具有可持续性。 As a professional consulting organization dedicating in operational management, we aim at supporting clients to improve quality and performance, to reduce operation risks, to protect reputation, and to ensure a sustainable development by sharing the best practices in industries we understand and dedicating systematic service processes.
我们珍视包括您在内的诸多尊贵客户。未来,我们将投入更多的资源和努力,一如既往地为您提供*专业的企业管理培训及咨询服务,并帮助您实现*大的管理效益。 We cherish all the opportunities offered by our clients, including those from you. We will continue to leverage all possible resources and efforts to provide the most professional training and consultancy services to our respectable clients and ultimately to assist clients to realize maximum values.
☆ 资质 Qualification
CNCA(中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会)首批权威认可; Approved by CNCA (Chinese supervision government department) as the first batch 同时拥有ISO 9001/ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001/TS 16949/ISO 50001/ ISO 27001/ISO 20000/AS 9100/IRIS/HACCP/ISO 22000 十一项认证咨询资质。 Have the qualification to provide consulting service for 11 different management system as above.
☆ 经验 Experience
十五年的咨询和培训经验; 15 years’ consulting and training experience 拥有3000多个管理体系项目咨询经验; Experience of more than 3000 consulting project 为5000多家企业,1万余人次提供过公开班/内部培训。 Experience of providing training for more than 5000 clients (more than 10000 trainees totally.)
☆ 规 模 Scale
Have 2 branches in Suzhou and Jiaxing
Hire nearly 100 employees, about 60 are consultant and trainer.
强思企管始始终关注组织的运营管理及其*重要的资源——人力资源的可持续发展!一直致力于成为世界级企业的培训和咨询服务*佳合作伙伴,协助他们提升其创造价值的能力,为他们的员工提供学习和发展的机会! Chance always persists in supporting operational management improvement for its clients, and sustainable development of their most valuable resource – Human resources. Chance dedicates to be a partner of world-class clients to improve clients’ competency of creating values and to provide best learning and development opportunities to clients’ employees.
诚信:人与人之间,组织与组织之间,诚信是*基本的价值观,也是我们不容突破的道德底线! Integrity: integrity is the foundation of relationship not only between individuals but also between organizations. It is the bottom line we can’t afford to breakthrough.
创新:持续不断的创新提供了我们向前的源源动力! Innovation: continuous innovation is the source power for us to become stronger every single day. 双赢:在我们的业务活动中,客户和我们都能够获得成功是我们的目标! Our ultimate business goal is to ensure success for both our clients and ourselves.