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众众网全国页 考试辅导:全国专业技术人员职称英语考试辅导(八)


来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-02-15


  第八讲: 词汇练习 一
  1. The child was seriously _________ in the accident.
  A. damaged B injured C ill D bad
  2. The cyclist was ________ his bicycle.
  A hit off B knocked off C knocked down D hit down
  3. Road accidents are a ________ cause of deaths.
  A major B great C large D important
  4. There was a _______ accident at his junction last week.
  A lethal B deadly C fatal D deathly
  5. More than 400 children ________ on the roads in 1988.
  A were dead B dead C killed D were killed
  6. I was on the motorway when my car ________ petrol.
  A ran down B ran off C killed D were killed
  7. The car ________ on the motorway.
  A broke B broke down C broke up D broke in
  8. He drove across the junction, although the ________were red.
  A lamps B indicatiors C signs D lights
  9. My motorcycle was very badly ________ in the accident.
  A broken B injured C damaged D hurt
  10. This is not a busy road - the traffic is very ________.
  A small B light C little D few
  11. The ________ of the train were full. there was nowhere to sit.
  A waggons B carts C carriages D platform
  12. The 8.15 for London will leave from________ nine.
  A pavement B place C gate D platform
  13. I was ________him for losing the key.
  A annoyed B annoying C annoyed with D annoying with
  14. I bumped into John in the ______ of the train.
  A way B passage C corridor D path
  15. It's better to catch the ________. It only stops once.
  A fast B speedy C rapid D express
  16. Did you manage to get a ________ on the train this morning?
  A seat B sit C chair D bench
  17. The train broke down and the _______ had to get off.
  A passengers B pedestrians C travellers D riders
  18. I prefer flying to going ________.
  A on ship B by sea C on sea D sailing
  19. My travelling ________ objected to my smoking.
  A colleagues B associates C companions D friends
  20. The train was slowly ________ up the long hill.
  A driving B riding C travelling D journeying
  21. This model ________ more than that one.
  A prices B values C costs D worth
  22. I'll have the same ________ you.
  A as B from C of D to
  23. He knows all about these things. He's a ________.

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