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来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-01-31


Think as a Hacker Does

At the brand-new Hacker Academy in Chicago,US,students learn about phishing schemes1, firewall breaches,and advanced tricks for breaking into confidential documents and revealing passwords2.
But it's not nearly as illegal as it sounds.The academy doesn't teach people to be__1__. but to “think like hackers”—and hopefully to stay one step ahead of__2__.
The students are __3__ computer security professionals.They attend a course that teaches them the tools and techniques that hackers could use to get __4__ systems they're trying to protect.They __5__ a certificate in “ethical hacking3”if they graduate.
The academy is one of the growing number of organizations that teach IT4 security experts to think like their enemies and to find holes ill their systems __6__ the hackers do.
“If you can think like a hacker,you're able to __7__ some of the attacks that are happening,”said Aaron Cohen,the academy's founder.

1. A) professors B) hackers C) scientists D) technicians
2. A) her B) him C) us D) them
3. A) actually B) hardly C) scarcely D) rarely
4. A) over B) onto C) for D) into
5. A) give B) award C) get D) take
6. A) before B) after C) when D) while
7. A) protect B) defend C) safeguard D) prevent


1.分析文章标题:Think(想,思考, 认为) as(?) a Hacker(黑客) Does(做?思考?)
2.文章主题词:think, hacker

3. 直接解题:
At the brand-new(崭新的) Hacker Academy(学院,学会) in Chicago(芝加哥),US,students learn about(学习) phishing(网络欺诈) schemes(计划,阴谋), firewall(防火墙) breaches(突破,违背),and advanced(先进的) tricks(诀窍,诡计,技术) for(为了...) breaking into (闯入)confidential(保密的) documents(文件) and revealing(揭示) passwords(密码).

But (但是)it's not nearly (并非)as (与...一样地...)illegal(非法的) as it sounds(听起来, 声音, 健全的,合理的).

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