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众众网全国页 职称英语考试语法讲解:句型中的语法分析10


来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-01-22


过去进行时与一般过去时   (1) I read a book yesterday.(书已看完)   I was reading a book yesterday.(书尚未看完)   (2) The guests arrived.(客人已到。)   The guests were arriving.(客人陆续到达。)   (3) He woke from a dream.(表示全醒)   He was waking from a dream.(表示初醒)   (4) The o1d man died.(已死)   The o1d man was dying.(要死)   (5) John told me about it(告诉我了,我都知道了)   John was telling me about it(跟我谈起过,我想了解更多的事情)   (6) They persuaded me to go along with them。(已经说服)   They were persuading me to go along with them.(还在劝说)   (7)The wind blew hard all night.(强调事实)   The wind was blowing hard all night.(强调风刮个不停)   (8) I expected you.I was expecting you.(客气,表示可能等了很久了)   (9) He knocked at the door.(强调一次性)   He was knocking at the door.(强调多次性)

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