
2018-06-28 14:42:00 来源: 大众网 作者: 于子涵


  so what is juvenile depression







  Juvenile depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness. It affects how a teenager thinks, feels and behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems.

  So, if I tell you that these suffering teenagers are living right among us. They are trying to protect themselves, by not to strike a conversation with you, by avoiding eye contact with you, by not to join any groups in having lunch. Please, I am asking you, to not to use the word “ strange” to describe them, to not to keep too much of your distance from them, or even, to isolate them. Please, please not to judge them with colored spectacles, and could you please, maybe next time, if I’m not asking too much, to offer to sit with him or her during lunch, maybe talk to them about things happened in school, to ask if they need help during presentation, and more importantly, to tell them, or maybe guiding them in believing that the world is gentle and embracing, that everything on the planet all has their purpose of life, please don’t let any distraction steer you off the road, to not to forget they are constantly and unconditionally loved and needed by their parents, their friends. We all need them to stay in our life.

  One person’s power is limited. But I hope today, if I could just successful caught your attention to start noticing them, which would be enough. This journey is long and difficult, but please, let’s start small, let’s start by saying hello to those people. Let’s help them to see that they can have a bright future



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