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初一英语教案:Unit 4 Amazing things复习题

来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-01-05

 Unit Four 复习题  一、单词拼写  1. Sandy usually has meat and (蔬菜) for lunch.  2. He is very h now because he didn’t have breakfast this morning.


初一英语教案:Unit 4 Amazing things复习题

  Unit Four 复习题


  1. Sandy usually has meat and (蔬菜) for lunch.

  2. He is very h now because he didn’t have breakfast this morning.

  3. –Do you often play football? –No, I n play football. I like basketball very much.

  4. She wants to be a (舞蹈演员) when she grows up.

  5. I think learning English is very (重要的).

  6. My cousin is not h at all. She needs to (改变) her diet.

  7. Tom is very t after four hours’ work.

  8. My sister likes eating (甜的) snacks between meals.

  9. Hope you have good l , Lily.

  10. There are three (盒) of milk in the fridge. Would you like to have any?

  11. Be c when you cross the road, Tony!

  12. Tom runs f because he practices running every day.

  13. How do you c the bag? It’s so heavy.

  14. ---I’ve just bought a new house! -- (祝贺你)

  15. He s________ goes out. He just stays at home.

  16. He often (躺) on the couch and watches TV.

  17. Kitty, go and buy a (小包) of salt, please! I need some.

  18. It is snowing (下雪) hard outside, so I (感到) very cold.

  19. Don’t eat so many (花生), you may go fat easily.

  20. Little Marx wants to s English, can you help him?

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