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众众网全国页 考研英语第*百六十七句


来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-01-04


关键字: 考研英语

  在考研复习的整个过程中,考研英语一直贯穿着复习的始终。九层之台,起于垒土,对于考研英语来说尤其是这样。今年kk老师继续为大家分享《每日一句:考研英语汇总  不闻是一种智慧,不争是一种慈悲!


  Consumers should celebrate that; the firms’ losses are their gains. But there is a catch. Comparison sites, whether for insurance or something else, introduce a new layer of costs,including their own splashy advertising campaigns. In theory, competition in the market for comparison sites ought to keep those costs down. But in a recent paper, David Ronayne of Warwick University argues that consumers often lose out from comparison sites. They earn a commission for each shopper who uses them to buy insurance. That referral cost is incorporated into the price the consumer ends up paying. If the increased costs outweigh the saving the comparison enables, consumers end up worse off.

  1. Why consumers often lose out from the comparison sites?

  (A) The referral cost will be increasedby splashy advertising campaigns.

  (B) Consumers may not earn the commissionwhen buying the insurance.

  (C) The new layer of costs may increasethe price of insurance.

  (D) The insurance company may spend moreon comparison sites.


  Books read in electronic form will boast the same power and some new ones to boot. The printed book is an excellent means of channeling information from writer to reader; the e-book can send information back as well. Teachers will be able to learn of a pupil’s progress and questions; publishers will be able to see which books are gulped down, which sipped slowly. Already readers can see what other readers have thought worthy of note, and seek out like-minded people for further discussion of what they have read. The private joys of the book will remain; new public pleasures are there to be added.

  Which of the following is true according to the text?

  (A) The electronic books can send more information than traditional ones.

  首先这里没有直接的比较; 有同学说电子书可以把信息在返回去,所以信息会更多;对啊,你都说了是回馈信息了,是不是应该是send back 啊,send是一个单行的动词啊。当然主要还是文中没有比较了。

  (B) The electronic books are essential for publishers to learn readers.


  (C) Readers can distinguish which books are more popular with electronic form.


  (D) Added happiness can be brought by the electronic books.

  new public pleasures are there to be added.

  新的快乐=added happiness. 正确答案!

  以电子形式阅读的书籍将拥有同样的力量,并启动一些新的能力。印刷书籍是把资讯从作者传输给读者的一种上佳途径;而电子书还可以把信息反向传输。教师可以了解到学生的进展和疑问;出版商将能看到哪些书被一口气读完,哪些则被人细细品味。读者已经能够看到其他人认为哪些内容值得一提,并寻找见解相似者进一步讨论阅读的内容。书籍的私密愉悦性将保留,却会增加新的公共乐趣。 书的未来如何? 远比人们想得光明。

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