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众众网全国页 高二英语短语类考点:point


来源:网友投稿 时间:2020-01-02

At one point at the meeting the manager nearly lost his temper. 会上经理一度几乎大发脾气。

  【考点13】与 point 有关的短语
  ① at the point 在某处;一度
  ② to the point 切中要点
  ③ off the point 离题
  ④ be on the point of doing sth when... 正要做某事……突然
  ⑤ There's no point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义
  ⑥ point at / to 指向
  ⑦ point out 指出
  [例句] At one point at the meeting the manager nearly lost his temper. 会上经理一度几乎大发脾气。
  His remarks on the matter were much to the point. 他就这事的评论非常切中要点。
  The boy was on the point of going to bed when the telephone rang. 这孩子正要上床睡觉这时电话响了。
  There's very little point in arguing further. 再争论下去意义不大。
  【考例13】The peaks flue so close to each other that the distance between them ____ is 5 meters.
  A. to the point B. at one point
  C. at the point D. On the point
  [考查目标] 此题主要考查短语的辨义问题。

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