2012-06-25 18:35:00 作者: 来源:搜狐出国
The Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) Awarding Ceremony 2012/2013 was successfully held at the Royal Dutch Embassy on Saturday, 16th June 2012. This event was organized by Neso China, and supported by the Royal Dutch Embassy. About 60 people attended the event, including OTS sponsors, scholarship winners and their companions, partner educational agents, Media and Embassy staff.
2012/2013年度橙色郁金香奖学金颁奖礼于2012年6月16日顺利举行。这次由Neso China组织的盛会受到了荷兰驻中国大使馆的大力支持。大约60名与会者到场,其中包括橙色郁金香奖学金赞助者代表,奖学金获奖者,使馆官员,媒体等各界人士。
Selano 女士代表Neso China总裁致欢迎词
On the Awarding Ceremony, Ms. Selano Li gave an opening speech on behalf of Mr. Marrik bellen, the director of Neso China, concluded the development of the OTS in the past years and expressed the expectation for next year.
在颁奖礼上, Selano 女士代表Neso China总裁致欢迎词。 并简单介绍了橙色郁金香的发展历程及今后的发展趋势。
Mr. David Pho, the science attaché of the Science &Technology of the Royal Dutch Embassy, gave a greeting speech. He delivered his high appreciation toward the OTS.
荷兰驻中国使馆科技处官员Davide Pho 先生致问候辞
荷兰驻中国使馆科技处官员Davide Pho 先生致问候辞, 并充分肯定了橙色郁金香奖学金项目在中荷两国教育之间起到的桥梁作用。
There are many emotional moments during the awarding. A lot of winners conveyed their gratitude to the sponsors, parents and Neso China. For them, the OTS is not a simple financial support, but also kind of inspiration which stimulate them to forward. It strengthens their determination to work hard in the Netherlands, exploring their potential and realizing their personal value.
在颁奖礼上有许多感动人心的时刻。 获奖者发表了获奖感言。对于他们来说,橙色郁金香奖学金不只是经济支持更是对他们精神上的支持。这会促使他们在荷兰更加努力的学习,扩展他们的人生价值。