2014年雅思考试已经过去大半,在上半年的雅思口语考试中,口语Part1部分添加的新题数量很少(比如地图题),但也问懵了很多备考雅思的学生。答题思路: 中国人更喜欢用一些礼貌性的话语来体现自己的礼貌;另外,尊老爱幼也是中国人表达对人礼貌的方式。
2014年雅思考试已经过去大半,在上半年的雅思口语考试中,口语Part1部分添加的新题数量很少(比如地图题),但也问懵了很多备考雅思的学生。不过,最让同学们头疼的还是那些高频出现的偏题和难题。根据笔者2014年上半年的对雅思口语机经和考生询问的统计,总结出2014年上半年Part 1中出现的最高频的8个令大多考生感到无从下手和难以回答的问题,并提供了答题思路和口语范文,希望能够对下半年备战雅思的考生有所帮助。
一. 地图题 Maps
1. Do you ever use a map?
答题思路: Part1口语话题通常以Do you … 开始发问,此类题目应该注意频率副词的使用,比如表达“经常做…”,可用 ‘be always doing’ 来强调频率。
精品答案:Yeah I do. I am always using maps on mobile phone when I’m travelling somewhere that I’m not familiar with. As I have a bad sense of direction, I find it most helpful。
2. When do you use a map?
精品答案: Umm…. I use maps when I travel to unfamiliar cities or countries, so I would never be afraid of being lost. Maps give me a better understanding of unfamiliar places, such as the position of restaurants and hotels。
3. Who taught you to use a map?
答题思路:通常地图的使用都是可以自学使用,当然你也可以说在使用一些专业地图时是由老师教会使用的,例如‘Maps in ancient times(古代地图)’。
精品答案:Actually, I figured it out for myself. You know, I’ve never had a problem in understanding them because they tend to be self-explanatory (不言自明的)。
4. Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
答题思路:这个问题牵扯到两种地图的对比使用,此题考生可以先说明自己更倾向于哪类地图的使用,进而 ‘解释+举例’说明为什么更喜欢使用电子或者纸质地图。
精品答案:I generally prefer to use electronic ones, because they basically have more functions. For example, if you’re not sure how to get somewhere, you can type the name of the place and then search for it. In addition, electronic maps can highlight the best route and detailed timings for each part of the journey。
5. Have you ever asked others for directions?
精品答案:Sure I have. When I travel to an unfamiliar place, I always ask people for help. Actually, it both saves a lot of time wandering around the same place and avoids being lost as well。
二。迟到题 Being Late
1. How do you feel when you are late?
答题思路: 迟到总是会给对方留下非常不好的印象,如果自己迟到了,应该感到愧疚(guilty),并且向对方道歉(make an apology)。
精品答案:Well, I would feel guilty if I am late, because being late wastes others’ time and leaves a bad impression. When I am late I will definitely apologize to my friends。
2. How do you feel about those guys who are always late?
答题思路:西方国家的人最忌讳别人迟到,这会让人觉得你不靠谱(not reliable)。当然,如果是偶尔迟到,或在不可抗力条件下的迟到,还是可以谅解的(understandable)
精品答案:Well, being late for once or twice is quite understandable, but if one gets late all the time, he or she would leave me an impression that they are not reliable and trustworthy。
3. What are normally the main reasons for being late?
精品答案: Well, it could be anything, such as punctured tires (爆胎), diversions of traffic(交通变道), sudden descent of fog(突起大雾), or other emergencies coming up. Nevertheless, if you can start off earlier, you would avoid being late。
三. 字典题 Dictionary
1. Do you often use the dictionary?
精品答案:I often refer to(查阅) a dictionary for some new words. Besides, browsing (or going through)(浏览) the dictionary can enlarge my vocabulary and enrich my knowledge。
2. Are dictionaries important?
精品答案:Of course. Dictionary is necessary for students to study a new language, especially when they are unsure of the word spelling or meaning. In addition, going through dictionary can help us obtain more information about the world。
3. Which do you prefer,book dictionary or electronic dictionary?
精品答案:I am fond of using electronic dictionary, because it is convenient for me to look up a new word. Moreover, the number of words in electronic dictionary is many times larger than that of book dictionary。
四. 噪音题 Noise
1. What kinds of sound do you dislike?
精品答案:Definitely! Firstly I really can't stand the sound of snoring, which drives mad and keeps me asleep at night. Well, the next one would be the sound of cars blaring, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live. It’s quite irritating, especially when I'm trying to focusing on something。
2. Where do you find most noisy in your city?
精品答案:In the city of XX, the noisy places are on XX road / street, where all kinds of vehicles thunder through the road and car alarms constantly scream at us。
3. How do noises or sound affect your life like study or work?
答题思路: 这道题着重表达噪音的影响,同学们应该注意一些消极形容词的使用,类似于‘upset’,‘distracted’, ‘anxious’,同时也要加上自己的个人感受。
精品答案:Well, too much noise can reduce my working efficiency and distract my attention. I would feel upset and anxious when I hear noise around, especially when I am doing homework or readings。
4. Do you think there will be more noise or less noise in the future?
精品答案:Well, I guess it will probably get noisier, basically because the traffic problem is getting more serious, and the cities have got far more noise than what it was like 10 or 15 years ago. I guess this trend is likely to continue in the future。
五. 耐心题 Patience
1. Do you have patience?
答题思路: 耐心是一种美德(Patience is a virtue),在很多重要场合都可以体现出一个人的素质和修养。
精品答案:Yes, patience is a virtue. I think being patient can reflect my self-culture and quality, especially on some important occasions。.
2. Have you ever lost your patience?
答题思路: 最好能够举出一个简短的失去耐心的事例。比如等餐时排长队(stand in a long queue),等人但对方却长时间不出现(show up)。
精品答案:Oh, let me see. Once I was waiting for one of my friends to go to the cinema, I waited and waited for nearly one hour but he didn’t show up. What is worse, his telephone was out of order. At that time, I lost my patience。
3. How could people be more patient?
答题思路: 耐心或许是从小具备的(be brought to be patient),但大多是可以训练的,比如通过转移注意力的方式(shift one’s attention)。
精品答案:I believe that patience can be trained. For example, when you waited for someone for a long time, you can listen to music in order to shift your attention。
4. What is the importance of being patient?
答题思路: 描述某种性格或者品质的重要性时,同学们要找到适当的描述重要性的替换词,比如‘essential’,‘vital’,‘significant’等。
精品答案:Definitely. It is one of the essential qualities that a successful person requires. When you are in a hurry, you may miss something important and then get away from your goals。
六. 专注题 Concentration
1. What is the importance of concentration?
答题思路: 专心致力于一件事情,可以提高工作效率,也可以节约很多时间。容易分心的人(be easily distracted)是干不成什么事情的。
精品答案:Focusing on one thing enables people to work efficiently and effectively. What’s more, staying focused can help you listen to people better and find a solution to problems at a quicker speed。
2. Under what circumstances can you be easily distracted?
答题思路: 让人们分心的无非两种原因,一是外部环境,比如各种噪音,另一种就是心里想着其他事情,也很难专心。
精品答案:As far as I am concerned, only two things can distract people. One is the environment, say, the noisy people around, loud music, construction and traffic sound all get me distracted. The other one is my mind. If there is something else on my mind, I can hardly concentrate 100%。
3. Are there any good ways to keep focused?
答题思路: 专注的最大敌人无非是注意力分散,所以我们要设法避免让自己注意力分散的行为,比如在工作期间不发短信,不聊天;如果处在一个喧闹的环境,可以通过听音乐的方式让自己远离噪音。
精品答案: Well, I think distractions are the enemy of being focused. People have to avoid texting or chatting for non-work related matters while they are doing work. If you're surrounded in a loud environment, listen to calming music or invest in some noise-cancelling (噪音消除) headphones。
七. 时间管理题 Time Management
1. Is time important?
答题思路: 时间的重要性不言自喻,同学们可以背诵一些格言,来体现时间的重要性。
精品答案:Time is super important. There are a lot of sayings about the importance of time, like ‘Time waits for no man.’; ‘Time never comes back when it is gone.’ Nothing can be more precious than time。
2. Are you good at organizing time?
答题思路: 可以回答自己并不善于组织时间,但是自己已经意识到时间管理的重要性,并努力去学习;如果同学们想回答自己善于组织时间,可以参考下一小题。
精品答案:I am not good at it. But now I am realizing the importance of time management, so I am learning how to organize my time in a good way。
3. How do you usually organize time?
答题思路: 笔者认为,组织好时间就是要做出良好的计划,并且按照计划完成一项项的任务。
精品答案:Usually, I will make a plan for all the tasks and break up more time-consuming tasks with shorter, easier tasks. That way I won't be overwhelmed by too many tough tasks。
4. Do you think planning is important for time management?
答题思路: 这道题目相当于第一小题,关于时间的重要性问题。
精品答案:Absolutely important, planning allows me to do important things without wasting time. It also helps me to achieve my goal as soon as possible。
八. 礼貌题 Politeness
1. Do you think that politeness is important? Why?
答题思路: 关于礼貌的重要性可以从个人和国家两个层面来谈。对于个人,礼貌可以让自己有较好的人际关系;对国家而言,礼貌可以代表一个国家的形象。
精品答案:Politeness is very important. Personally, politeness can tighten the relationship between my friends. On a national scale, being polite represents a nation’s image when I go abroad。
2. How do people show politeness in your country?
答题思路: 中国人更喜欢用一些礼貌性的话语来体现自己的礼貌;另外,尊老爱幼也是中国人表达对人礼貌的方式。
精品答案:Chinese people love to use many polite words when they talk with another person. In addition, Chinese people often respect the elder people and show love to the children。
3. Who taught you to be polite?
答题思路: 这道题目也可以从两个层面来谈,一个是家庭教育,另一个是学校教育。
精品答案:When I was a little child, my mother used to teach me how to be a polite person. At school, my teachers also gave us some lessons on etiquette。
4. Do you think people in your country are more polite than in the past?
答题思路: 随着现代教育的普及,人们大都在学校里接受了良好的教育,并且也会形成较好的行为习惯。
精品答案:Yeah, nowadays people become more polite than in the past. The main reason is that more people nowadays receive a good education and develop a habit of being polite。