
2014-05-19 09:58:00来源:新浪教育作者:

今天跟大家分享下,如何在托福写作中运用排比论证,很多同学可能会认为这种方法很难把握,毕竟一口气写出两个或者三个先关联的例子,在考场上还是有些难度的。很多同学对于排比论证可能还停留在名人事例的排山倒海,其实不然,我们也可以通过诸如my friend, my cousin的例子来运用这一论证方法。

  今天跟大家分享下,如何在托福写作中运用排比论证,很多同学可能会认为这种方法很难把握,毕竟一口气写出两个或者三个先关联的例子,在考场上还是有些难度的。笔者刚开始也认为这种方法不具有普适性,但是进过一定的写作练习,发现其中还是有规律可循。在讲述这种方法之前,先跟大家分享下Michael J. Sandel的what money can’t buy: the moral limits of markets的一段话,选取这段话,首先是因为里面有些动词用得很好,二是行文结构与托福的写法很相似,提出论点,解释,然后举例展开。而且这个段落中的例子就是极其细分和具体化的,从付钱让学生读书(托福口语话题)到大学学位拍卖,再到雇佣外国士兵作战,严密地论证了观点。

  Putting a price on the good things in life can corrupt them. That’s because markets express and promote certain attitudes toward the goods being exchanged. Paying kids to read books might get them to read more, but also teach them to regard reading as a chore rather than a source of intrinsic satisfaction. Auctioning raise revenue but also erode the integrity of the college and the value of its diploma. Hiring foreign mercenaries to fight our wars might spare the lives of our citizens but corrupt the meaning of citizenship。


  很多同学对于排比论证可能还停留在名人事例的排山倒海,其实不然,我们也可以通过诸如my friend, my cousin的例子来运用这一论证方法。我们来看一个5月份机经预测。

  Parents learn more from their parents than children do from nowadays。

  我们的分论点之一可以是 如今的孩子可以有很多途径自学,而父母那一代可能没有这些资源。然后通过不同的主体对象来阐述这一论题,比如my sister可以通过一些网站了解旅游信息,my cousin可以通过网络流传的各种视频获取一些修理的技能,me可以从网站上下载食谱可以捣腾出各种食物。于是将之整理成英文,就得到了我们如下的段落。

  In the first place, children now can learn on their own through various approaches without the aids of their parents. For example, new technologies such as internet, wechat, weibo, provide children access to find any information they want. Therefore, people like my sister who loves traveling can find the details of a hotel located in Paris by zooming in on the image from its website. Students like me without the assistance from parents, are able to learn cooking by looking at videos on chefaroundworld.com. Teenagers like my nephew, born in 90th last century, could learn to repair his Mp3 by watching Youtube. However, in our parents’ era, they do not have such supporting materials, but have to reach out their parents for help。




