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2005-12-14 10:00:41 SRC-3671  

Bond Rocks the Classics

    Your mother wants you to study the violin. You want to play the guitar. Classical instruments like the violin or the cello are boring, you say, and definitely not cool. Then you hear Bond.


    These four stunning ladies from the UK and Australia bring a whole new meaning to the classical instruments they play. Bond’s music – an explosive take on traditional melodies -- has rocked the classical world, making Haylie Ecker (first violin), Eos Chater (second violin), Tania Davis (viola), and Gay-Yee Westerhoff (cello) international superstars.


    Since their debut album Born in 2001, Bond has sold more than three million albums worldwide, played for huge crowds around the globe, and appeared in hit movies and TV series. All this from playing the violin and the cello. Maybe Mom was right.


    Are they or aren’t they? 是不是她们?

    Bond’s high-energy tunes often leave people wondering what category of music Bond really fits into. The girls have shared the stage with pop idols like Sting, the Spice Girls, and Bryan Adams, but Bond has also performed with opera great Luciano Pavarotti and opened for the UK Classical Brit Awards. So, what kind of music does Bond play?


    “I don’t think we ever thought of ourselves as a classical group,” Haylie says. “We all trained as classical musicians, so we know what classical music is. It was a challenge for us to create something new and different, taking inspiration from classical melodies.”


    Bond’s “new and different” sound may anger many traditionalists, yet Bond remains an undeniably positive force in today’s classical scene. Their electrified strings, world beats, and upbeat shows introduce classical music to a much broader, younger audience.


    And, sure, it doesn’t hurt Bond’s popularity that these four women are beautiful. But there is serious musical talent and training behind the model smiles.


    Classified 《桃色机密》

    Nothing shows off their talents more than Bond’s third CD, Classified. The highly-anticipated album explores new styles like African and jazz, while remaining true to its classical roots. Throughout the album, for example, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra accompanies the girls.


    “Our album sound is very different from our live sound,” says Haylie. “Our sound is always very big, but this album was really exciting because we did it with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Bond are still at the forefront but we have this massive orchestral sound. In a way that has been going through the first and second albums but this feels more organic.”


    The album’s songs range from the uplifting “Explosive,” the Latin dance beats of “Samba,” to the smooth pop delivery of the familiar Pacobel’s Canon in “Lullaby.”


    Here to Stay 大热门

    The rave reception of Classified confirms it: we love Bond. And, fortunately for us, they are not going anywhere. Even with three albums under their sparkling fashionable belts, the girls still share the same dreams.


    “Normally when groups don’t last there’s some sort of conflict of interest; people have different ideas of where they want to go. But we’ve always wanted the same thing,” says Tania.


    “We’re four women who have been around a little while now, and we’re having so much fun doing what we’re doing,” says Haylie, “We can just do what we want, it’s quite liberating.”


    On tour! 巡回演出!

    If you do see a Bond show, be prepared to be dazzled by flashy moves, lighting shows, and fashionable clothes. Oh, and amazing, intense music that may just change what you think about classical music. Forget the guitar. The violin is what really rocks.




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