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2005-12-13 14:13:51 SRC-119  
  Eight months after the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles married at Windsor's Guildhall, the venue will witness another high profile union - the gay "wedding" between Sir Elton John and David Furnish.

    Sir Elton and Mr Furnish yesterday joined hundreds of other same-sex couples across the country by officially registering their civil partnership ceremony on the first available date.

    The formal notice announcing the event, which will be held on Dec 21 after a mandatory 15-day waiting period, was put on public display at Maidenhead Town Hall in Berkshire.

    The couple listed their address as Windsor and Maidenhead alongside their dates of birth and a description of their occupations, musician and film-maker.

    The ceremony will be conducted by Clair Williams, the same registrar who officiated at the royal wedding in April.

    Mary Rose Gliksten, the leader of Windsor and Maidenhead council, said she was confident the 17th-century Guildhall would provide an elegant venue for the couple.

    "Sir Elton and Mr Furnish are making a solemn and formal commitment to each other and our Guildhall offers them both dignity and privacy," she said.

    "We wish them both much happiness for their important day."

    She added that the authority would work with Thames Valley Police to manage the crowds that are expected for the event.

    Sir Elton recently said the couple wanted a "very low-key" ceremony with only their parents as witnesses, but it is likely to be followed by a lavish party at Sir Elton's £12 million home.

    The very first ceremonies under the new Civil Partnerships Act can take place in Northern Ireland on Dec 19, followed by Scotland the next day and England and Wales on Dec 21.

    More than 1,200 ceremonies have been registered already and Brighton on the south coast is emerging as one of the most popular English venues, but there is also huge demand in other cities.

    Meg Munn, the minister for equality, said the Government expected 4,500 couples to become "partnered" in the first year.

    "This is an important piece of legislation that gives legal recognition to relationships that until now were invisible in the eyes of the law," Miss Munn said.

    "It accords people in same-sex relationships the same sort of rights and responsibilities that are available to married couples.

    "We know there are people who have been together maybe 40 years and have been waiting for the chance to do this kind of thing, because of the important differences it makes to their lives."


















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